Kooyooe Pa’a Guides is named after the Numu (Northern Paiute) name for Pyramid Lake. Kooyooe Pa’a Panunadu (Coo-yoo-ee / Pah / Pa-nuh-nah-duh). This translates into Cui-ui Standing Water, named after the endemic sucker fish species, the Cui-ui.
First Numu Woman Flyfishing Guide
My name is Autumn Harry (she/her). I am Numu (Northern Paiute) on my paternal side and Diné (Navajo) on my maternal side. I am a member of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe. I have spent my entire life learning and fishing in Kooyooe Pa’a Panunadu (Pyramid Lake, NV). I've acquired a lifetime of knowledge from knowledge holders, such as my late father, who was a strong leader and protector of our water rights at Pyramid Lake. His work, along with many others, fought for the protection of the Cui-ui (Kooyooe) and Lahontan Cutthroat Trout (Agi).
Fisherwoman, Land Defender &
Indigenous Rights Advocate
It's always been my dream to fish and share my love for the land, water, and the history of our people. My approach to guiding is centered in cultural education. Throughout our trip, we will discuss the history of Derby Dam, how our Tribe’s water is continually impacted from water theft, and the ongoing recovery efforts of the local Lahontan Cutthroat extinction event. This experience is much more than fishing.
Tribal-Owned Business
We are a Tribal-Owned Business and operate within the Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation as a Fishing Guide Service.
All Non-Tribal Members, 12 years of age or older must have in their possession a valid Tribal Fishing Permit to fish within the boundaries of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation. A daily fishing permit must be purchased for $24.
Follow @kooyooepaa_guides

Photo by David and Michael Hanson